Blue-winged Mountain Tanager


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Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
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A quick hip shot of this guy feeding at the banana board as I was coming out of the house.

Very nice shot. Some day, someone will have to explain to me why tropical birds tend to be so much more colourful than those in the more northern climes. :confused-55:

Not an explanation of course but there's bound to be considerable variety in the country that has more bird species than anywhere else in the world.
Not an explanation of course but there's bound to be considerable variety in the country that has more bird species than anywhere else in the world.

Okay, that I can understand, but, as you noted, it still doesn't explain why birds from tropical areas are generally more colourful than those in more temperate climes. Colouring often has to do with hiding from predators, reproduction and finding a mate. More colourful birds would tend to stand out better against the wider variety of tropical vegetation and maybe blend in better in some circumstances as well. A requirement that may not be necessary in more temperate areas where the vegetation is not very colourful - mostly dull browns and shades of green. Maybe there is a "bird guy" out there who has a better explanation.


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