Blue - Winged Teal and Great Egret


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Mar 24, 2013
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How did you process these? They look like they have been oversharpened to the point where even the water is crinkly.


Can you post the originals? They look like some nice shots... but the processing kills them!
like the last one best. Would have like a little more foreground, a little less left side.. But without a doubt. beautiful
I cant tell what I was doing n my wife laptop windows 8 and ViewNX2 Had all kind of trouble so Just took a Gamble.
I cant tell what I was doing n my wife laptop windows 8 and ViewNX2 Had all kind of trouble so Just took a Gamble.

lol! Ok... that sounds like a mess! :)
First one is a Mallard. This is a Blue-Winged Teal:

The others are definitely a Great Egret. The Snowy Egret has yellow feet (and the only reason I know that is because I had to look it up yesterday).
Thanks Scott. I took a guess at the Blue winged Since the mallards I looked at didn't look the same.
Egrets, I've shot a few. But then again, too few to mention.:D

I'm digging number one with all the textures and the lone puffy feather.
Thanks Scott. I took a guess at the Blue winged Since the mallards I looked at didn't look the same.

That's actually a drake Mallard. They molt in the spring and throughout the summer months they look very similar to the hen Mallards. The place I used to work had a lake around the building and we always had Mallards hanging around. I've watched them year round and they are actually quite interesting critters.

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