Boating in Key West - C&C


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2012
Reaction score
Arlington, VA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I snapped this photo while in Key West at Mallory Square, known for its beautiful sunsets. I have been looking at the photo and cant decide how i feel about it so I wanted to know what you guys think...

Schooner by Art by QJ, on Flickr
nice schooner.. but the shot is underexposed! :)
nice schooner.. but the shot is underexposed! :)
Yeah maybe thats what it is ... I am still a novice ... I think it is a nice boat not sure how to edit / salvage the photo to improve it ... I'll try to adjust exposures & see what i come up with
I have them ... I am really waiting for my new comp (imac) to come (tomorrow) to start some nice editing ... but i will post them soon !
Work on composition. Work on visualization.
Novice shooters, shoot first, ask questions later. You should look at everything in the scene before pressing the buttion.
Did you notice that the shore in the background intercepts the ship ... try to take note of how the background interacts with your subjects.

Editing won't change that.
I have a couple of other shots of this boat from different perspectives ... I will post those too at some point
Also remember, you don't have to post every single shot you take. Be critical and selective of the pictures you put up. Also don't be in a rush to put pictures up. Take your time, edit them, critique them yourself and just post stuff you are happy with...if you are uncertain about the picture then just move onto the next.
Also remember, you don't have to post every single shot you take. Be critical and selective of the pictures you put up. Also don't be in a rush to put pictures up. Take your time, edit them, critique them yourself and just post stuff you are happy with...if you are uncertain about the picture then just move onto the next.
Yes I am starting to realize the importance of this in my reviews of my photos... unfortunately the same shot never comes twice, so i better get it rich the first time :-/
really beautiful colors.... I think you could have walked to left to capture this image...i think the land part does not help this image and could have avoided... that would have created a feeling of a deep see voyage.... further the ship is too centered?

Regards :D
really beautiful colors.... I think you could have walked to left to capture this image...i think the land part does not help this image and could have avoided... that would have created a feeling of a deep see voyage.... further the ship is too centered?

Regards :D
thanks for the feed back... i did minor edits and moved the ship center

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