Bokeh Lightning


TPF Noob!
Dec 6, 2015
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I have been trying to do some Bokeh lighting with clear lights. I keep seeing green spots on my lens which is then portrayed on the subjects face. What is this and how do I get rid of it? I'm shooting at 1.4 aperture and 60fps

The picture is just from my camera phone so you can see the setup.


  • 20151206_220429.webp
    258.9 KB · Views: 302
Do you have any filters in front of your lens?
Get rid of the filter, it's only hurting you. I'm guessing you mean 1/60 second exposure, unless you are shooting video. It's hard to know without seeing the actual shot, but the green is actually lens flare. Getting rid of the filter may help, but your lights may be too bright or make sure they are more out of focus. They are most likely just too strong in a shot with too much dynamic range.
I'd be more worried about the smeared fingerprints on the front of the lens that is causing a ton of streaks in the image.
Get rid of the filter, it's only hurting you. I'm guessing you mean 1/60 second exposure, unless you are shooting video. It's hard to know without seeing the actual shot, but the green is actually lens flare. Getting rid of the filter may help, but your lights may be too bright or make sure they are more out of focus. They are most likely just too strong in a shot with too much dynamic range.

I think increasing the shutter speed would help because there could be light coming in through the view finder
Sales people sell cheap UV filters just for the profit.
Sales people sell cheap UV filters just for the profit.
I only use one so my lens doesn't get scratched, cheaper to replace a $5 uv filter than a $400 lens :)

At the cost of having images ruined by flare..........

If you spend only $5 on a filter, you bought the absolute cheapest, crappiest filter on the planet. It won't be optical-grade glass. It may not even be glass at all.
Adjust your angle to the lights. Even if you remove filters you will still have the glare. The camera sees what it sees.

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