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Nov 15, 2005
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i be back...

out of a deep deep chasm named coursework and exams... however due to further exams occuring in the month of December i may be inactive then
I was just thinking of you! Really...Hertz posted a link to the pics from the September 2006 London meetup earlier today, and there you were. And I thought to myself "Self, Duncan hasn't been around much, has he?". Nice to see you again. Hope the coursework is going well.
I was just thinking of you! Really...Hertz posted a link to the pics from the September 2006 London meetup earlier today, and there you were. And I thought to myself "Self, Duncan hasn't been around much, has he?". Nice to see you again. Hope the coursework is going well.

Duncan Philpott

Ich bin Student und habe keine Arbeit. Aber ich habe zue viele Hausafgaben. Auch meine Schwester ist auch Student. Ich würde am liebsten nur Kunst lernen. Es spaß macht. Meine Vater ist Projektleiter. Es ist toll. Aber wenn er guten Noten bekommen, er wäre Vorstandsvorsitzende ist. Meine Mutter ist Arbeitlose. Jetzt sie gehe oft einkaufen.

Letzte Woche habe ich mein Betriebspraktikum bei Edge Picture Comapny gemacht. Ich mußte das machen, weil meine Schule es wichtig findet. Ich habe die Stelle selbst augesuchts, weil ich dachte, es wäre interessant. Der Arbeitstag hat um 9 Uhr begonnen und war um 6 Uhr zu Ende. Ich hatte eine Pause von eine Stunde um 12 Uhr. Am Montag habe ich den Tag in London verbracht, wa ich Kassetten geliefert habe. Ich bin zwölf Meiten gelaufen. Ich habe viele Busen bekommen. Am Dienstag war nichts los und hauptsächlich habe ich viel Kaffee gemacht. Es war nicht gut. Später in der Woche habe ich viele DVDs sortiert. Insgesamt hatte ich eine schlecte Erfarhrung, weil ich bei keinem Filmdrehen gewesen bin. Auch is habe keine Geld bekommen. Wenn ich die Geld bekam, wäre ich CDs gekaufen habe.

Ich sollte studieren, wenn ich ein Atomphysicker werden, weil es sehr interessant ist aber wenn ich guten Note nicht bekommen, werde ich Fotographie studerien weil es mein lieblingshobby ist. Wenn ich ein Atomphysicker werde spende ich mein geld an Radsport.

its bugging me >_< damn leaving it to the last minute
Muhaaaa.. GERMAN!


welcome back!
Well with German writing skills like that, I certainly hope you're coming to Lafoto's big meetup next May! At least for part of it? (Maybe one of the weekends, as I assume you'll still be in school in May)

(My German is very rusty, but I could understand most of it. Some funny stuff in there. Or at least I found it funny)
Well with German writing skills like that, I certainly hope you're coming to Lafoto's big meetup next May!

German writing skills are required for the meetup??? *scared* ... damn, I should have spent more attention at school...
German writing skills are required for the meetup??? *scared* ... damn, I should have spent more attention at school...

Heehee, not a requirement at all! But it will help the rest of us figure out what's going on...so the more translators the better. (And I'm pretty sure you'll be able to get by...it's your 'first tongue' isn't it?)
I was fine with the first sentence "I am a student and have some trees" right?
not quite... "have no work/job".

To check whether I'd been correctly understanding what Duncan wrote, I went to a translation site. What I got was even funnier, as some stuff was translated incorrectly. Here's what it gave as the translation:

I am a student and I have no work. But I have zue many Hausafgaben. Even my sister is a student. I would prefer to learn only art. It makes fun. My father is the project manager. It's great. But when he received good grades, he would be CEO. My mother is unemployed. Now they often go shopping.

Last week, I have my internship with operating Edge Picture Comapny. I had to do it because my school is important. I have the body itself augesuchts because I thought it would be interesting. The work day has begun at 9 am and was at 6 pm to an end. I had a break of one hour to 12 hours. On Monday, the day I spent in London, I wa tapes delivered. I am twelve Meiten wrong. I have many bosom. On Tuesday was mainly go and nothing I have done a lot of coffee. It was not good. Later in the week, I have a lot of DVDs sorted. Overall, I had a schlecte Erfarhrung because I have never been turning movie bin. Also, is not money. If I got the money, I would CDs gekaufen.

I should study if I have a Atomphysicker, because it is very interesting but if I do not get good grade, I will photograph studerien because it is my lieblingshobby. If I were a Atomphysicker will donate money to my cycling.
Definitely looked a bit funny to me - anyone care to translate for the stereotypical Englishman?

This is what google translate gave me ;) apparently some words could not be translated due to typos ...

I am a student and I have no work. But I have zue many Hausafgaben. Even my sister is a student. I would prefer to learn only art. It makes fun. My father is the project manager. It's great. But when he received good grades, he would be CEO. My mother is unemployed. Now they often go shopping.

Last week, I have my internship with operating Edge Picture Comapny. I had to do it because my school is important. I have the body itself augesuchts because I thought it would be interesting. The work day has begun at 9 am and was at 6 pm to an end. I had a break of one hour to 12 hours. On Monday, the day I spent in London, I wa tapes delivered. I am twelve Meiten wrong. I have many bosom. On Tuesday was mainly go and nothing I have done a lot of coffee. It was not good. Later in the week, I have a lot of DVDs sorted. Overall, I had a schlecte Erfarhrung because I have never been turning movie bin. Also, is not money. If I got the money, I would CDs gekaufen.

I should study if I have a Atomphysicker, because it is very interesting but if I do not get good grade, I will photograph studerien because it is my lieblingshobby. If I were a Atomphysicker will donate money to my cycling.

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