Buds for LaFoto

digital flower

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 18, 2005
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Buds for LaFoto and anyone else who would like to look and or comment. Corinna, I hope you enjoy some of these bud pictures I had hanging around.

#1 'Diablo' Ninebark buds

#2 Miniature Climbing Rose 'Rainbows End'

#3 Just a simple Daisy grown from seed

#4 Siberian Iris bud. Probably the first flash picture I have ever done on a flower :stun: I thought I did well until I saw I had the red eye reduction on.:crazy:

#5 Mountain Laurel. This is one of our nicest native plants. It's the Connecticut state flower.

#6 This is also a Mountain Laurel but a horticultural type named 'Olympic Wedding'
What a pretty rose. I love the vivid color in the last one. I think #5 is my favorite with the first open flower. Such ambition:mrgreen:
Hey, Chris.
Thank you!!! :D
I love them!
All of these.
And I love that daisy bud best ... the first few petals in the process of carefully opening up ... it seems as if it might gradually open in front of my eyes, provided I only look at the photo for long enough! :D

And the Mountain Laurel is beautiful, too.
Must show this one to Andreas so he can see what laurel blossoms REALLY look like and that they are VERY different from star magnolias :wink: :wink: :lol:
Clark and Alex thanks so much for commenting.

LaFoto said:
Thank you!!! :D
Must show this one to Andreas so he can see what laurel blossoms REALLY look like and that they are VERY different from star magnolias

You are quite welcome. I remembered about the magnolia :wink:

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