Bundle of Birds


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 15, 2019
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Central Florida (Ruskin area)
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Thought I would bundle them all together. The first hot was taken just as the sun was starting to come over the horizon while standing on the bridge that leads into Ft. De Soto. The great blue heron seen in the picture flew up from behind me and landed on the rail about 20 feet away from me. A very friendly chap he was.

Next is a snowy egret sitting in the mangroves with the morning rays striking him at hidden lagoon.

What I believe is a breeding adult, western sandpiper that I found trudging along the beach. Cute lil dude he is.

Last but not least, a reddish egret next to the water inlet that feed hidden lagoon when the tide comes in. Love their peridot-green colored eyes. I didn't want the gull in the bg and tried cloning it out, but it just wasn't going to work. It's not a contest pic so I don't care too much really.
Nice bundle! I like your capture of the little guy in #3.
Great shots.

Hopefully I will be heading to Montezuma Wildlife Refuge soon to get shots of all kinds of birds.
Nice set. #3 is a nice funny capture.
All nice shots!

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