c&c please


TPF Noob!
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
i took my kids out to play near 1 of our dugouts...this is just a few of what i got, posted a couple others in people photography but only got 1 response, hope to get some more help here, i want to learn to take better!





This are really nice images. You have a good sense of balance when shooting and capture your children naturally and unencumbered..Bravo! 4.5 Stars..If I gave you 5 it may go to your head and you may end up with my comportment, and that is something you wouldn't want, would you?

PS..I love your sense of balance and that totally breaks the 1/3rd-2/3rd STUPID unwritten rule, that shouldn't have ever been established as a barometer for a "Good Photo" in the first place.

Shoot from the GUT!
Thanks, that makes me feel better, i was scared as hell as to what people would say...but i am ready for someone to tell me what i can do better...come on people!
The photos are amazing the only thing i noticed was that your daughters hair disappears into the sky in the first one.

But saying that they are a million times better than anything i have done.
I think you have a good eye. I like your composition, I like the exposure. Some may say they are slightly overexposed, but I like the feel they have. To pick a favorite, deffinately #3. Love it. then #2 and all the rest are fine. You used available light with all these but #4, correct?
I like all of these and agree with benjikan 100% ! I absolutely love the first shot and 2, 3, & 5 are so pleasantly candid. VERY nice work! :thumbup:
You used available light with all these but #4, correct?

yes you are correct! wow, i dunno how people can tell that! thanks everyone!

:lol: ;)

Well, I was really impressed with that one, for the lighting. So I checked your EXIF info on all of them. :p You did a nice job. you knew when to flash, and how much.
Two things I'd like to note. First, in years to comes, your daughter will be appreciative of your use of the healing brush.... particularly the spot between the eyebrows and her right leg. Surely these marks will be long gone before too long. Also, I do think these are slightly overexposed, but not in a bad way. I like to overexpose and bring it back down in post. Another thing, even if you do like the exposure as is, I think defining a black point will greatly help .

I took some liberty with #5. You say OK to edit. All I did was to define the black point, slight crop, healing brush above the eyebrow and cloned out the weed on the top part of the hat. I'm not fond of the one running on her lower body either and before long you will be observant of these small, but crucial details, and figure out out how to avoid before the shutter is released.



It seems Photobucket lost the detail that was left in the hat. :(

Hope you don't mind.
Aye, in your edit, you lost enough deatil that you can't easily recognize the hat, as a hat.
Although the copy on my HD is darkened slightly, details in the hat are quite distinguishable. Friggin' Photobucket compression.

Anyway, it was an excersize in bringing down the exposure slightly. 30 seconds worth.
Two things I'd like to note. First, in years to comes, your daughter will be appreciative of your use of the healing brush.... particularly the spot between the eyebrows and her right leg. Surely these marks will be long gone before too long. Also, I do think these are slightly overexposed, but not in a bad way. I like to overexpose and bring it back down in post. Another thing, even if you do like the exposure as is, I think defining a black point will greatly help .

I took some liberty with #5. You say OK to edit. All I did was to define the black point, slight crop, healing brush above the eyebrow and cloned out the weed on the top part of the hat. I'm not fond of the one running on her lower body either and before long you will be observant of these small, but crucial details, and figure out out how to avoid before the shutter is released.



It seems Photobucket lost the detail that was left in the hat. :(

Hope you don't mind.

thanks! i really like your edited version better, i tried the healing brush for the mark on her forehead, and actully got it to look normal! usually when i try it just looks weird and can tell i did something, im not to good with photoshop yet. I tried getting the weed off the hat...no luck for me, but maybe if i made it a bit darker, i tried not going quite as dark as you made it, either way thanks for your input! you can think a picture is good til you see what someone else can do to it, then makes yours look like crap! haha
hm... I think most are overexposed and the color balance is off. There are some nice compositions... esp. the last one, but they need some PP.
Complete dumb question here, how are you able to tell that they are overexposed?

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