Canon 35mm f1.4 sharpness


TPF Noob!
Sep 8, 2020
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Hello everyone
Can anyone who's had the Canon 35mm f1.4 look at these images and tell me if there's something wrong with my copy or if this is just what the lens is capable of, at 1.4?

I'm trying to decide whether or not to buy it from a friend.



  • 0T0A1866.jpg
    2.9 MB · Views: 117
  • 0T0A1915.jpg
    3 MB · Views: 113
I think full exif details might help.
Hi, thanks, but not sure how to extract those.

Anyway, these are near 1:1 crops from RAW files shot on a 5d mark 4, exported from Lightroom, no changes made.
The book was shot at 1/125, f1.4, ISO 1250
The other one at 1/1250, f1.4, ISO 1000

Hope that helps.
Is it the l version
Was the camera and book on the same focal plane,
All the reviews I looked at for the l series 35 mm f 1.4
Show much better detail you may want to hook at the reviews before you buy.
I don’t know you or who you are buying off so nothing personal
But if the lens has had a knock or has been dropped the elements inside could be out of line and the focus will be off.
Shoot a tabloid newspaper page all print in a tripod, check the sharpness there, pics lok too soft in my eyes.
Maybe he only reads broadsheets:D;)
damm cheap optical bench a few levels and the lies of the day..

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