Canon 7D video capabilities


TPF Noob!
Dec 14, 2011
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This head to head comparison seemed interesting. Hands on testing of the Canon 7D's video functionality as compared to a...uhh...lower priced alternative. :)


To me, I think the 7D's biggest draw back is that it only has 1 hot shoe...
I have really never even used the video on my 7d in or my 5d2. Its almost useless to me. I am of the belief that you are either a video shooter and should use a video camera or you are a still shooter and use a still camera.
I sid not watch the video but will respond to your comment about the hot shoe assuming you want multiple flash untis. With the 7D matched to a 580EX(s), the camera and the lights can be set wirelessly to trigger. So you can have one in the hotshoe if you like and others that are slaves. Or you dont have to have any in the shoe and still have the wireless capabilities of the flashes where you want to place them.
I sid not watch the video but will respond to your comment about the hot shoe assuming you want multiple flash untis. With the 7D matched to a 580EX(s), the camera and the lights can be set wirelessly to trigger. So you can have one in the hotshoe if you like and others that are slaves. Or you dont have to have any in the shoe and still have the wireless capabilities of the flashes where you want to place them.

You should watch the video when you have a second...even if you just skip straight ahead to 1:38 & watch the hot shoe comparison.
I own the 7D already...
The Barbie Cam has More inputs
I was seriously considering the 7d but after watching the video I'm reconsidering!
That was one of the hidden gems of this site. Everyone should watch that comparison ... would make camera selection so much easier. ;-)


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