
TPF Noob!
Nov 30, 2017
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi everyone!
I've been a Lightroom user for the last 6 years and it's been great because I have been a Nikon shooter until recently. But when I switched to the Fuji X system I was not very pleased with the sharpening of the x raw files so I've turned to the good old Photoshop to help with this aspect (wich adds a few steps on the pos processing).
Now I've heard that Capture One is great with Fuji Raw files (colors, sharpening, film simulations) and that has a Catalog system. I wonder if this is the perfect substitute for Lightroom for Fuji X shooters.
Has anyone switch from lightroom to Capture One Pro?
Is the Catalog system as good as Lightroom's library module?
Is the switch easy and worth it?
I switched to C1 years ago. I also now shoot Fuij X and consider Adobe not an option. C1 is much better dealing with the X-Trans CFA. If you find you are unable to make the switch you can add Iridient to your LR workflow and demosaic the RAF files with that. The latest release of LR/ACR included Adobe's enhanced detail function which also solves the Fuji X-Trans problem but unfortunately adds additional problems.

C1 offers both a catalog option as well as what they term sessions which is really just a file browser. LR's catalog is better. C1 image processing is better.

Switching is hard. Good Luck.

Bought C1(version 12) in the hope of moving away from Adobe, it was a mistake, I hate it. I should have tried it more thoroughly before spending money, but they had a sale going. So I suggest to give it a good try before purchasing, especially since it's so expensive.

EDIT: didn't realize this thread was from last april, I normally don't check thread date when they're still on first page...
glad to know this.
I have C1 for the P1 P20 back and the subscription.
Now knowing that it can handle the X series, I may have a crack at it considering that the X-M1 I have is finicky with some software.

Very nice to know this.

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