Castle Tower with Lilac Bush

Fred Berg

Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 17, 2011
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Taken a few days ago using a Voigtländer Vitomatic 1a and Ektar 100


C&C welcome
I like the colors. Sky looks nice. But overall, it is not doing too much for me.
The building is leaning to the right so that is distracting and is out of focus, though I think it is the main or one of the main, subjects. Maybe a little more contrast or polarization would help. Just my opinion.
I like the colors. Sky looks nice. But overall, it is not doing too much for me.
The building is leaning to the right so that is distracting and is out of focus, though I think it is the main or one of the main, subjects. Maybe a little more contrast or polarization would help. Just my opinion.

Thanks for your thoughts. It's a hand-held shot so the lean is probably down to me. As for the focus, this is f16 hyperfocal with a 50 year old camera, so not too bad I think. I used Ektar, which I find has nice colour rendition, but I find the Color Skopar lens produces very good results even with lesser films. I don't want to blame the camera for any shortcomings because despite its age it's in super condition and a wonderful piece of equipment: I just need to use it more often to hone my skills with it I guess :)
Any other feedback here would be most welcome - it would be interesting to know how others receive this.

For me, the tower looks perfectly okay as it is and any correction would, in my opinion, take something away from the photo. Also, the focus seems more than acceptable to my eye, but tolerance on these points is different from person to person.

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