Centipede question


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Jun 16, 2015
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Whenever I dig in the garden I find centipedes and sadly I am not fast enough to photograph them in situ (I am not sure if many people are, they are fast and also I like my camera a small distance from my spade).
So I put them in something and take a photo, however whatever I use doesn't look quite right.
Any ideas? What do other people do? I think the clear see through one looks best. I was thinking of using something with soil

Centipede by davholla2002, on Flickr

IMG_4226Centipde60mm by davholla2002, on Flickr

CentipedeEF7A9546 by davholla2002, on Flickr
How about something like a terrarium? Some grass or plants and it will look like a natural habitat.
I was thinking of something smaller, so I can have in the garden put the centipede in there and then release it again, also something I can take on holiday with me.
Maybe a small container - as above but with a bit of soil in it.
How about something like a terrarium? Some grass or plants and it will look like a natural habitat.
I was thinking of something smaller, so I can have in the garden put the centipede in there and then release it again, also something I can take on holiday with me.
Maybe a small container - as above but with a bit of soil in it.

Don't bring that nasty thing near my crib...
Don't bring that nasty thing near my crib...
You think that is nasty. Look at its Colombian cousin which is a much better behaved model - although it can kill you so not 100% perfect. A relative of my wife was bitten by one and took his time going to hospital and got very ill.
IMG_2132 by davholla2002, on Flickr
Small "terrariums" are very effective for shooting critters. And really, any small glass container fits the need. You're best off with a container that has parallel sides (not curved, and not multi-faceted). This way you can position the camera and direction of light to eliminate reflections. And it's best not to have a large container; you're going to let the critter loose shortly anyway.

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