Christmas Gifts: Photography Stuff!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 29, 2010
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What photo equipment did you get for christmas? Share here!

  • Ilford 8x10 MG4-44M paper
  • Lith Developer! (yay, I will have fun!!!)
  • Sekonic Twinmate meter for semi-accurate readings of the scene
A Mamiya C330 (score!)
9 rolls of assorted 120 film
A Holga 120N
50' of TriX (splitting a bulk roll with my bf)

And this wasn't really a gift since I bought it myself, but months ago I contributed to a Kickstarter project and the product arrived at my house just a couple of days ago, so it felt like a Christmas gift.

It's a wooden pinhole camera from Slovenia: Mine is the 35mm, but my bf got a 6x6 that I'll get to use.

I'm hoping to get into printing this year, so maybe I'll get some paper and Lith developer for Christmas 2014 :)
A 10 stop ND filter
IR Filter
2 axis macro focusing rail

Books: Adobe Photoshop CC for photographers, The Digital Negative, Adobe Photophop CC classroom in a book

Now all I need is some time to play!
Westcott 7-foot, 16-rib silver parabolic umbrella. The thing is ginormous! $IMG_5767 copy.webp
I got me a Siggy 8mm circular fisheye.
I got 2 photography books:

Ansel Adams: An Autobiography
Eye to I: The Autobiography of a photographer (Erwin Blumenfield)

No equipment.
I have yet to exchange gifts with my neighbors family. I'm getting 4 of the kids a P&S. The neighbors are getting a signed 11x14 framed print.
My parents got me a Vanguard Kinray 43 bag

My uncle got me 2 books by Tom Ang.
-Digital Photography Essentials
- Digital Photography An Introduction
70-200mm lens....... thermos.
50mm f/1.8 lens to replace the one that was stolen.
New camera bag.
Lightroom 5 upgrade from a gift card from my ex-stepdaughter.
Nikon 70-200 2.8 (present to self)
A digital photography handbook from one of my daughters
CP filter Hoya
Mefoto backpacker tripod. Great for hiking.
Lens hood for 50 1.4

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