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Christmas Portraits 4 1/2 months old


TPF Noob!
Sep 27, 2007
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Well, I finally got some good (to me) portraits of our son in time for the holidays. I'd love to get some critique or any comments really. These were with the built in flash and an index card diffuser (SB-600 comes in tomorrow :mrgreen:).
Oh, these were shot at ISO 800. I was going to try and do these without a flash, but my son moved to much to keep him clear. When I started using flash, I forgot to lower the ISO back down. :banghead:






6. This was our Christmas card picture that I took on 10 second timer, then running into the picture. It only took about 30 shots to get one where my son looked at the camera with a "decent" look on his face.

And the actual Christmas Card

I felt like there was some kind of color cast over the family picture but couldn't figure out what color and couldn't remove it. Maybe it's just in my head, but we'll see what other's think.
33 views and 0 responses. That bad huh?
Too cute!! They are really nice. #2 is funny, his expression is hilarious!
I think thats really good Nates, its a nice shot, well done
priceless stuff
I like the pics, especially his expression on #2.
Good job. :thumbup:
awww your son has precious eyes! cute xmas card too! i love the one of him licking the wrappying papper
I felt like there was some kind of color cast over the family picture but couldn't figure out what color and couldn't remove it. Maybe it's just in my head, but we'll see what other's think.

How did you light your family picture? It looks like there was an incandescent (sp?) overhead fixture and the flash from your camera. The light from the overhead fixture is MUCH more yellow than the light from the flash. That might be part of the color issue you are seeing. It also looks a bit underexposed to me. I think your camera meter got confused by the bright light coming in the window(s) behind you.
Although I don't really know enough for CC, as a father, I think they look great! You'll cherish these forever.
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments. We're happy with them and it's easier taking picture of him since he can somewhat sit up (for a couple seconds at least)

How did you light your family picture? It looks like there was an incandescent (sp?) overhead fixture and the flash from your camera. The light from the overhead fixture is MUCH more yellow than the light from the flash. That might be part of the color issue you are seeing. It also looks a bit underexposed to me. I think your camera meter got confused by the bright light coming in the window(s) behind you.

Yes...there was an incandescent ceiling fan light in the middle of the room and flash was used since there wasn't enough light. However, this is the same setup that was used on the pictures with only our son and I don't see any color cast on those pictures.
oh I really like them. That is such a hard age to capture.

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