Close to home at evening


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 1, 2010
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Some from close to home:

Nikon D800 Nikkor 24 - 70:

30 sec ƒ/11 ISO 100 48 mm

Steel-town by singingsnapper, on Flickr

converted in silver efex

bw-steel-town by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Two shots of the moon:

Nikkor AF-S 300 f/4 + TC17 II

1/320 ƒ/8 ISO 400 500 mm (handheld)

Tonight's-moon by singingsnapper, on Flickr

1/40 ƒ/8 ISO 100 500 mm (tripod mounted)

Waxing-quarter-2 by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Pentax 645D DA 25 f/4 at f/16 1 sec ISO 100

Sunset-over-Swansea-Bay-in-March by singingsnapper, on Flickr
Some from close to home:

Nikon D800 Nikkor 24 - 70:

30 sec ƒ/11 ISO 100 48 mm

Steel-town by singingsnapper, on Flickr

This one is really good!! I definitely like it better than the black and white version. The colours of the lights are great.

Good work!!
I agree with steve. That thing is awesome!!!!
Agree ^^^

#1 in colour is alive!
Yeah, that first one in color is the winner here. So much detail to study, and that long trail of smoke coming from that tower looks really cool.

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