

TPF Noob!
Aug 21, 2007
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Denva, CO
Can others edit my Photos
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I don't think my scanner does these justice, but please let me know what you think, I want to know if I'm headed in the right direction or crashing hard.

EDIT: Sorry for the huge sizes, I put up some smaller ones.



Heya stillwater, welcome to ThePhotoForum :D --- I don't think we have met on here before, have we?

Well, you are certainly NOT "crashing hard"!
Not with work like this.

My favourite is the first, it captures some really nice emotion, I think, even though your camera was put to the max of it's dealing with the dynamics of the light given: actually, sky, background building and surface of the water needed to get overexposed to work out the rim of light around the couple's faces and bring out some detail in the bench and their faces, but I don't mind that technical thing at all. I like how you exposed for the couple, on who you also focused, and how their faces are surrounded by this rim of light.

The second does not speak to me as much, but the last does, that one is quite up close and personal and makes me think she might be your girlfriend with whom you were out there for the shooting?
Thank you for all of the feedback.

LaFoto- Well hello! I was definitely trying to make sure the couple stood out, but I must admit, this was mainly luck as this was my first time to use this film and I really had no idea how it would handle. And yes, you are quite right, she is my girlfriend and a wonderful subject for pictures I might add.

Royster- Thanks I really appreciate it. You want to know something funny? I've always been afraid to do portraits because its more personal and I don't want to portray someone the wrong way, or ruin their image or whatever. So this was actually my first time. I'm really excited about doing it again though.

JBLoud and Unimaxium- Thank you, minus the bias on the third one, the first one is definintely my favorite too.

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