Completely new and don't know where to start

Jebus Christ

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Mar 15, 2008
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I am taking a trip to Europe in about a month and a half and I want a camera to capture the moments. I want something that will allow me with a shot that when I look at it, I feel like I am there(very defined and detailed).

Right now I am deciding between the Canon S5 IS or spending the extra hundreds of dollars and going for a Canon XT or XTi.

What should I go with if I don't have any experience with photography but don't want to end up with a purchase I will be disappointed in.

If you guys say go the the higher end camera. Is the price difference worth going from an XT to an XTi.

Also with either of the DSLRs, should I just get it with the starter lens included or should I buy the body by itself and a separate lens? I would like to respectable amount of zoom.

I'm trying not to spend above $700 but if theres anything slightly above that I'll consider that if its worth it.

Thanks for your time and effort.
I am taking a trip to Europe in about a month and a half and I want a camera to capture the moments. I want something that will allow me with a shot that when I look at it, I feel like I am there(very defined and detailed).

Right now I am deciding between the Canon S5 IS or spending the extra hundreds of dollars and going for a Canon XT or XTi.

What should I go with if I don't have any experience with photography but don't want to end up with a purchase I will be disappointed in.

If you guys say go the the higher end camera. Is the price difference worth going from an XT to an XTi.

Also with either of the DSLRs, should I just get it with the starter lens included or should I buy the body by itself and a separate lens? I would like to respectable amount of zoom.

I'm trying not to spend above $700 but if theres anything slightly above that I'll consider that if its worth it.

Thanks for your time and effort.

if you want to use the camera only for this trip or just to do some snapshots then go with a good point and shoot.

if you want to be creative with your photography and pursue it as a hobby or career then go with an slr.

i own the xt and honestly i wouldnt spend the extra $ for the xti just yet.
if you want to use the camera only for this trip or just to do some snapshots then go with a good point and shoot.

if you want to be creative with your photography and pursue it as a hobby or career then go with an slr.

i own the xt and honestly i wouldnt spend the extra $ for the xti just yet.

Mainly for the trip but I keep running into situations where I want to take a picture of something so I've been thinking of turning it into a hobby. I'm even looking into taking some classes at my college.

So what about the lens situation? Do you have the "starter" lens or something else.
Mainly for the trip but I keep running into situations where I want to take a picture of something so I've been thinking of turning it into a hobby. I'm even looking into taking some classes at my college.

So what about the lens situation? Do you have the "starter" lens or something else.

i think either one comes with the kit lens which is 18-55mm. this lens will not knock your socks off but it isnt horrible.

i personally use the L series lenses. if you arent familiar with those they are canon's pro line of lenses. very expensive.

a lens that i own which isnt an L is the 50mm f1.8. it can be had for around $85. very sharp lens. big upgrade from the kit lens. bad isnt a zoom. it's a fixed focal length....your feet become your zoom.

sigma makes some good quality lenses for prolly less than what canon charges for theirs.

you have to ask yourself what subjects are you going to be photographing. that will help decide which lens or lenses you will need.
You can also just get the body by itself for the XT and XTi and it takes off about $100.

I can probably already say I'm going to be taking pictures of monuments(buildings) and people. For people I shouldn't need zoom but for certain buildings, I won't physically be able to get closer.
My best friend has the XT, and I have the XTi, and I was very happy to spend the extra money. To me it was worth it, after playing with hers...but thats just me
if you go with an SLR, please read the tutorials in my signature. They'll give you a good grounding in the basics of using the different modes the SLR will offer you. And remember that you can make a copy of those tutorials to take with you. print them out if you want and take them with you for reference.

And make sure you practice! You want to know how to use the camera before you go. And the more familiar you are with your camera, the more easily you'll be able to adjust your camera to get the photos you want.

I'm using the 350D (XT) and it's quite capable. Just remember that having a more expensive camera isn't the most important part of being able to get good pics. it's knowing how to use it. if you get the kit lens, it will be a wide angle zoom lens which will get the job done. it's not the best lens, but it will give decent photos nonetheless. i used mine for over a year before upgrading it.
For a beginner, is the "starter" lens good enough to get the job done?

sorry once again I don't know much about the different types of lenses but can the stock lens zoom and if so how far?

the starter lens will work just fine until you feel the need to upgrade.
the kit lens does zoom. it won't get in tight on the architectural details of a building, you would need a long zoom for that. you could rent (there are websites to rent from) a long zoom if that seems like a necessary accessory for the trip.

i shot with the kit lens for almost a year until my photography skills got to the point of where i needed an equipment upgrade.
I'm sure this is going to be a contrarian view ... but here goes.

Get the S5is. Three reasons (well, actually four)

1. It'll cost a lot less that $700

2. The quality of construction and materials in the S5 is FAR superior to either the XT or XTi. The S5 is built on a magnesium frame, and it's joints, fittings and seals are outstanding compared to any of the low end (plastic) DSLR bodies (no matter who makes them).

3. The quality of the lens built in to the S5 is FAR superior (I mean better glass ... Really better glass!) than any kit lens you'll get with a Rebel. PLUS! A great 12x Zoom Range ... which no kit lens can come close to. (Of course, you could opt for higher quality lenses - Either Canon or Tamron, Sigma, etc.- but not on the budget you've mentioned.

4. The S5 is smaller, more compact, easier to carry around - whether you're traveling in Europe or back home and just snap shooting.

Actually, there's one other advantage to the lower price thing: Since the S5is has a hot shoe you could still stay below $700 and add a SB600 flash, or maybe the new SB400.

I'm making these recommendations because I own the S5's predecessor (the S3is) and it's my constant companion. I don't use it for my pro work - but I could in a pinch and get outstanding results.
I myself bought the S3 1S before I bought my 30D. It was good to start but I felt limited. Soon after I bought the 30D and I wish I would have bought the SLR right away. You can always use auto in case you are not sure on the technical stuff.
Just my two cents though :)
Thank you tiberius and one guy. Its just what I wanted to hear(no need to upgrade until I feel the need). I will also beusing the guide.

And to sandspur, thank you, its nice to hear a different option but at the same time after reading what sarah said and what other people have said on other forums, I don't want to spend the initial money on the S5 to only feel limited later and go ahead and buy the DSLR while I could just get the DSLR now and be content.

I will most likely end up going with the XTi with the lens kit. I think I can find it right under $600 with adorama. Any other suggested places I can buy?
Between adorama and B&H is either better? Both are basically the same price.

Better yet, black or silver. ha.

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