Corporate headshot for poultry company


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 1, 2010
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Scituate, MA.
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Guy looked like a clown and was kind of a d*ckhead

Great picture but man is he ugly.
Looks like a VP or two I know lol
LOL, think you folks have ...... thanksgiving, save it up and very pretty one that one ;). Nice profile shots Mike.

All the best up there Mike.

My supervisor and I were in the field the other day. I told him I couldn't work in conditions like that. Which confused him. I then said how am I supposed to concentrate when there is a big Tom turkey nearby gobbling around trying to get it on with some Jennys.
Great picture but man is he ugly.

Thanks . He's good looking compared to the Turkey Vultures around here.

Guy looked like a clown and was kind of a d*ckhead

HAHAHA. Awesome!

Ha HA Thanks

LOL, think you folks have ...... thanksgiving, save it up and very pretty one that one ;). Nice profile shots Mike.

All the best up there Mike.


Thanks Danny. He's out trying to make next years turkey dinners.

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