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....Corvette + HDR - Part #2....


TPF Noob!
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Paducah, KY
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Still practicing with HDR....C&C welcome....:cheers:
Canon 5D II....EF24-105 IS....Sigma 12-24 EX DG



I do like the first shot. It stands out to me. I like the perspective.
Third shot is the one that stands out to me. These really have the more cartoonish look to them then the last three did.
I like the 1 & 3. I wish the first one had the hood down, similar to the second on but I like the view of 1st one better. The third would be my favorite but the front was cut off by the fence and bushes.
I like the perspective in the first one, it is interesting and not the "normal" angle. However, it is just too "fake" looking. The other two are more along the lines of HDR that looks good but not taking it too far. But in the end, it is what you like.
Am I missing something? The first looks like the layers aren't aligned properly and gives it a 3-d look. I think the second looks properly done but your horizon looks to sag to the left. The plant on the right side of the frame on the third doesn't contribute anything to the photo, but this shot looks great otherwise. Cool car too btw.

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