Couple Of Morning Shots With My XPAN.... (Not


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Aug 2, 2015
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ISO 500
1/500 Sec.
GF45mm F2.8 R WR
35 mm Equivalent

(Processed In LR & PS)


"City Colors..."
ISO 500
1/500 Sec.
GF45mm F2.8 R WR
35 mm Equivalent

(Processed In LR & PS)

City Colors.webp

Obvious not an XPAN, so what gives ???

One can change the aspect ratio "in camera" to 65:24 to shoot like the fabled XPAN.

Yes you can use any modern day digital camera and or crop in post to the aspect ratio 65:24.

However, I am all about the photographic experience involved in actually taking the image equally as the end result the picture.

The 50R is "Rangefinder" style camera and when you crop "in camera" to 65:24 it allows you to compose your composition through the viewfinder much in the same manner as a true you the feeling you are truly shooting an XPAN.

(You can always undo it if you shoot in RAW when processing the image).

For those not in the know it was a joint venture between Hasselblad and Fuji back in the late 1990's and early 2000's to create such a unique 35mm film camera and only three lenses are available for it..30mm, 45mm, and 90mm - google it!

In the meantime the 50R is the closest camera to a modern day XPAN.

I think I still need a wider lens to have the true effect but this comes close for now...

Thanks For Looking,

Always surprises me how little love Fuji innovation garners. Loaned an X-T1 body recently to a friend who gushed about how shooting data in the EVF reorients to frame bottom when shifting between portrait and landscape. Might consider a minor crime to get hold of a big Fuji.
I've never been a fan of Fuji color, but these aren't bad.

Curious some of the reviews were negative on ergonomics. How's your real life experience?
I've never been a fan of Fuji color, but these aren't bad.

Curious some of the reviews were negative on ergonomics. How's your real life experience?

@smoke665 I really like the Fuji colors, even more so than Nikon's...I think Fuji's are richer, more vibrant.

As for the ergonomics it's a brick but that's ok...most of the time it's on the tripod anyways...

I really like this camera...I highly recommend it, renders beautifully and as far as medium format goes it's a budget friendly camera especially now on the used market.


They are very nice shots! Now I will have to see if my Canon has that in-camera capability, and can do something similar. I really like the color in these two shots as well. Checking my Canon, I can do 16:9, which isn't as wide, but would make for some interesting landscapes and cityscapes. As noted, I could get the same type of crop in LR, but being able to see what the crop looks like in the view finder gives a more accurate look at what the end product may be.
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@smoke665 I really like the Fuji colors, even more so than Nikon's...I think Fuji's are richer, more vibrant.

As for the ergonomics it's a brick but that's ok...most of the time it's on the tripod anyways...

I really like this camera...I highly recommend it, renders beautifully and as far as medium format goes it's a budget friendly camera especially now on the used market.


The Fuji MF gear does make regular appearances on the Toronto used market. Usually it's seen either hard pro service or barely used amateur activity.There is remarkable synergy between some--not all--Fuji sensor/processor pairings. I left Nikon after a D7200 for Fuji MILCs and the X-100x cameras. Fujinon glass is superb. They never disappoint.
I enjoy seeing photographs that look planned and then executed well. Having great glass is like having the keys to the kingdom. Beautiful compositions and colors. Really nice work.
Than you all for your comments!

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