Couple of Perseids


Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 29, 2008
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N Georgia
Can others edit my Photos
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Managed to catch a couple of Perseid meteors from my front yard- such as they are:


Nice pity about the powerlines running through
So, the top photo is the exposure 1/13 second at f/3.5 with the 8mm fisheye? Is that right? This computer I am on right now doesn't have a full-blown EXIF reader on it. What's the ISO level? I do not mind the power lines in the neighborhood view shot.
So, the top photo is the exposure 1/13 second at f/3.5 with the 8mm fisheye? Is that right? This computer I am on right now doesn't have a full-blown EXIF reader on it. What's the ISO level? I do not mind the power lines in the neighborhood view shot.
Wow, that EXIF reader is a little off. It was 30 seconds @ f3.5, ISO3200.
2035213-BAD EXIF.png

I should say so!!! That's why I asked for a clarification.. I was like....waitttttt...that CAN'T be right! Take a look at this!!!
Gee, I could have hand-held some meteor shots, hahaha. I just happened to have the night off from work, so I set up two cameras outside the house. More than half the frames on the lower tripod (with the 8mm) were fogged over due to condensation- kept having to clean the front element. :)

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