Courthouse, Hermann, MO

The Barbarian

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 14, 2005
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An old community near St. Louis, founded by a company of German immigrants. Town is named for Herman (Arminius) who destroyed a Roman legion and pushed the Empire's boundaries back to the Rhine. We went into the courthouse, a bit concerned as most county governments don't like cameras. They had a metal detector at the entrance, but it wasn't hooked up. A sign warned against any recording devices, but a clerk going by said "we aren't trying anyone today, come on in and take pictures." The town is very pleasant, one particularly good winery with a fine German restaurant, a remarkable candy story, and The Wurst House, at which we always stock up on various kinds of bratwurst and keilbasa. The town has perked up a bit as it now has an Amtrack station.
Lovely Courthouse.
This is where my best friends from college grew up. Interesting place.

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