Critic my photography web site?


TPF Noob!
Jun 2, 2009
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Can I get some suggestions/feedback about my photography web site? It would be really nice of you to! So heres the link, keep in mind that it was started only a week ago so it kinda lacks content.

Looks like a pretty good foundation! What did you use to build it?
First off its running via wordpress,
and its a premium theme called aperture by
btw thanks for the feedback!
How about suggestions?
Add more content!

I didn't realize wordpress would allow you to run your own domain name. Pretty cool.
yeah lol content is on the way, keep in mind the sites about a week old and i have been busy fine tuning it.
Btw wordpress does let you use your own domain but you need to do somethings to get there.
1) install wordpress on your host.
2)then direct it to your domain,
easy as pie your done
Did the ads come with the theme or something? Other than the ads I think it's a well done theme. I actually had a look at that theme on as well as the Autofocus theme. I had to settle with Graph Paper Press themes though. Mine is:
Wow it looks great! And the photos are exemplary.
And the ads are kinda mistake arent they. Which ones made it bad? It was just a way to monetize the site a bit because hosting and the theme cost me $200 and i am currently an amateur photographer. so my only income from photography comes from stock photo agencies.

Wow, looks good :)
My only suggestion would be to slow the little scrolling thing down a little bit, so it's easier to read all the info before it switches to the next photo. I know you can just read it at the bottom, but people don't always realise that.
That leaf is pretty awesome.
Looks nice, but seems awkward and annoying to navigate.

All your "content" is at the bottom.

I agree with this. It is hard to navigate. I had to click around and changed screens a couple times before I got to the picture. Also the rotating banner on the main page is annoying and distracting. I would say keep the site simple.

have a main welcome/splash page with your links on it. The links could be something like "Home", "About", "(Names of Galleries)", "Contact", etc. There's no need to get super complex about it. People navigate to your website to see examples of your work and to possibly contact you to do work for them, anything else seems a bit overkill in my experience.

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