Critique on a few photos?


TPF Noob!
Sep 18, 2011
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Both shots taken with an Olympus E-P1 and the 17mm f/2.8 lens.

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I don't believe we are allowed to critque in the beginners forum, but I must say I do like both of them. Very well done!
I like both. Only thing I would do different:
#1 move the camera up a touch "giving the trees room to grow". So to speak.
#2 The horizon looks a little tilted and maybe crop the bottom so that it starts in focus.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Yeap, #1 is really nice and as someone said, I'd try givin' a little more room for those trees to 'grow'... As for the second image, I like the idea, but don't like the execution too much... the OOF foreground is (most of the times) annoying to the viewer... in this case, my eyes keep going there and can only stop looking at it, to try and look at the sun... which is also OOF... so nop, don't like it very much :)
I don't believe we are allowed to critque in the beginners forum,

Why not?

Because it says so right in the Beginner's forum description. The Beginner's forum description was changed some months ago because it was being used by all members for everything - C&C (both amateur and professional), business questions, gear questions, and lots of other inappropriate stuff.

This is NOT an actual gallery, but more of a place to ask questions and get feedback on technical issues. Use the TPF Galleries to show us some of the photos you have taken so far and get some review - so you can learn where there is room for improvement!
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I really like pic#1. A tad more space above the trees as the taller one actually goes off frame. I really like the sun rising down the fairway. Just a super image. Pic #2 has neither the foreground nor the sun in focus. Just a small strip of sand. Nice idea, but just not executed very well.
lol, you guys confused me, I was like "why can't we c&c in the galleries now? lol, just noticed the thread was moved...I'm slow.

I love the first picture. I wonder if you cleaned up the fog everywhere except for coming down the fairway if that would make more impact? In my head it does and looks cool...

Nothing really to look at in pic two, only thing in focus is the sand...and sand alone is boring. Maybe if there was a pretty conch shell or something along that plane of focused area...

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