Curtis Bay Church of God


Completely Counter-dependent
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Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
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Even couple of weeks, I get up early and drive to Curtis Bay. Curtis Bay is a working class, pretty gritty neighborhood in Baltimore. It was peopled mostly by people who came from the wilds of Appalachia to work in the Bethlehem Steel Plant that is nearby. There are more bars than stores and the only restaurants are a couple of luncheonettes. It is pretty integrated now but still not prosperous. It is featured prominently in the book, 'Homicide' (tv series originated) and the inhabitants are called 'Billies' by the police.

A stranger gets the stink-eye from any locals and menacing looks are not uncommon.

If ever a picture would benefit from a large, well-done print, this one might.

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I like it for a bunch of reasons, it looks like a classic film product with the wide range of tones and the highlights held pretty well. More than that, this church and building, when seen from this angle have a sort of 'heroic' look to them. That is in contrast to the reality of the situation - a worn church in a very beaten down neighborhood - yet a Mercedes convertible in front - the irony of the shot just tickles me. Photography makes its own monuments.
Lastly, the details and textures make looking at this large a treat.
A clean image... i like the angle at which it is looked at.... why, contrary to the convention,i like even the shadow of the post fell upon it!!! let us print it ;)

Regards :D
I like the building and the lighting, but the stuff at the sides, even the car, seems extraneous to me, so I'd be inclined to crop them out. I agree that the detail and tonal range would make for a really nice print.
I like it for a bunch of reasons, it looks like a classic film product with the wide range of tones and the highlights held pretty well. More than that, this church and building, when seen from this angle have a sort of 'heroic' look to them. That is in contrast to the reality of the situation - a worn church in a very beaten down neighborhood - yet a Mercedes convertible in front - the irony of the shot just tickles me. Photography makes its own monuments.
Lastly, the details and textures make looking at this large a treat.
Fair enough.
I really like your image, for the same reasons that you mentioned in your response to tirediron.

My only nitpick, if it can be considered one at all, is that the image doesn't seem to match up with your written description (I was expecting to see someone in the photo giving you the stink-eye). Nice shot regardless though.
Thanks for looking and commenting.
I went out there early to get the light full on; it was taken at 7:26 AM. It was cold and most people were either at work on in bed.

I've been there later in the day and it is a much more unwelcoming environment when there are actually people up and around.
Makes sense, the lighting is wonderful in the photo- I noticed earlier how the edge of the sunlight hits right at the base of the building; nice timing indeed.
Makes sense, the lighting is wonderful in the photo- I noticed earlier how the edge of the sunlight hits right at the base of the building; nice timing indeed.

This kind of 'looking up' with the front aspect looming a bit gives the building and the picture sort of a heroic, important look that looking at it flat on doesn't give. Like a picture taken for the Chamber of Commerce to make the building seem important. I think this kind of 'pose' plays on the viewers' subconscious attitudes to give an impression without being obvious.
I live about twenty minutes from here and I've been to a skatepark in curtis bay before, you've probably seen it, It sticks out like a sore thumb.

But I agree with what you said about the city. The locals dont seem to happy about having outsiders there.. I definitely didn't feel welcome there, Haha! It wouldn't stop me from going back though, no one seemed to be too threatening, they just didnt look happy about my presence.
There is definitely a lot of interesting architecture in Curtis Bay, But it never crossed my mind to bring my camera there to shoot the city, but next time I probably will after seeing this...

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