Dark images

Dave Maciak

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 9, 2020
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Seems like all of my cameras, Nikon, Leica, and Fuji need exposure compensation and or post manipulation to bring the brightness level to an acceptable level. Matters not what exposure mode or combination there of or metering mode.
Looks to be about a stop. ISO setting doesn't make any difference. B+W or color always the same. I would expect one camera but all 6 seem to have the same results. Stop using UV filters? Never mattered before. I took them off, no change. Oh yeah, mostly shoot 35mm or 28mm prime lenses.
Also, I can see the difference in my older images which look right on the money. I am able to bring them to the correct level in camera or post. Also had a couple printed "as is" and still dark.
Any ideas? BTW had my eyes examined and they are normal.
Any help?
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First, check your histograms. If they look OK, calibrate your monitor.

No, not just fiddle with the settings. Calibration means using an external device.
First, check your histograms. If they look OK, calibrate your monitor.

No, not just fiddle with the settings. Calibration means using an external device.
It's also doing it in the camera monitors.
What do the histograms look like?
IF you read through the typical 500 pages of the average Nikon user manual, they say in big letters that the appearance of the image as shown on the cameras screen will NOT always be the same as what you will see on an actual pc screen. Nor will it be the same between multiple pc screens.

have you tried taking photographs of grey cards and those black and white cards used for checking/setting white levels in a camera? THOSE will tell you more then just thinking out loud on the forums.

Also have you changed the preset level in camera in the years since you took those "good to print as is images"?

Happened to change auto white balance setting to the other option? I notice a huge difference in "true ness" when i switch to "keep normal softness"

That's good advice, but I have 3 different brands all doing the same thing at the same time. The Leica, Fuji, and Nikon all going back to their factory service stations. I'm just going to use my FM for the duration.
So..... what do the histograms look like?

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