Different brightness after saving...


TPF Noob!
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I took a picture of lightning in another thread a bit ago and I had a hard time with processing it. While it was on my screen in CS3 the trees and other parts in the foreground looked well silhouetted. When I saved it to JPEG (I did the best quality and progressive scan on 3), I ended up with a picture that was brighter. Because I did burning to parts of the trees (got rain drops on the lens) it didn't look so good. Is there anything I can change preference wise so I know it's going to save the same as it looks?

My screen isn't calibrated, but I really don't feel that's the issue because it should display the same in and out of CS3 on the same computer/monitor.
It's a color profile issue. Convert to sRGB before you upload.
I'm pretty sure I'm shooting in sRGB since my monitor isn't calibrated. I'll double check though.

EDIT: I went into the profile and it was Adobe RGB so I converted it. I'm re-editting the file so we'll see once I'm done how it shows up.

My first thought was what Alpha said, also.

What are you using to view the jpeg? I have been using a little program called Irfan viewer, and I noticed this program seems to add saturation, contrast and sharpnes, at least compared to Windows Picture and Fax viewer. So maybe that is part of the problem.

If I'm not mistaken, monitor calibration should not be an issue in this case, since both applications are showing on the same monitor, so therefor the images should look the same.
All i know is that windows explorer previews never look right
This fixed the problem. I noticed it when I was editting the raw, saving to TIFF to keep my edit layers, then saving, resizing, and adding a black border, and once I would upload to photobucket I'd notice it. I never was opening it in another program, but it did look brighter in windows viewer as well.

Thanks for all the help.
All i know is that windows explorer previews never look right
This is an issue that has been discussed many times on numerous forums. I've have never gotten a clear answer except that picture viewer and internet explorer have color management issues. It's usually a saturation problem. When I use the "save for web" feature in photoshop I get the same oversaturated image that I get in an explorer preview. Photoshop gives the true representation of what the image will look like after printing.

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