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Do you process your images before merging them?


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 19, 2012
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Istanbul, Turkey
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
When doing HDR, do you guys do any processing on any of the images? If so, do you paste the adjustments to all three (-2, 0, +2) images or do you process them individually? If the latter, what are your criteria?

Or do you simply merge the images unedited and the work on the final image?
Yes, I do basic adjustments like wb, perspective before merging.

I've done about three HDRs, ever. But, wouldn't processing them take approximately forever? And then, if you adjust something like perspective, what if you're a hair off on one photo compared to the others? Wouldn't that cause an issue in the final merge?
I don't know, I guess I'd never really thought about this before. I definitely didn't process any of mine, those few times I did one. But then, I didn't have any idea what in the daylights I was doing either!
Yes, I do basic adjustments like wb, perspective before merging.

I've done about three HDRs, ever. But, wouldn't processing them take approximately forever? And then, if you adjust something like perspective, what if you're a hair off on one photo compared to the others? Wouldn't that cause an issue in the final merge?
I don't know, I guess I'd never really thought about this before. I definitely didn't process any of mine, those few times I did one. But then, I didn't have any idea what in the daylights I was doing either!

I see your point but it's not an issue with the photos that I've taken. I use a tripod and a wireless trigger. Once the photos are in lightroom, I can adjust for wb and the perspective adjustment I use is a check box. I've never had any issues with the adjustments that I did before hand but as stated, I haven't done too many of them. Maybe just enough to know what I do and to be dangerous giving advice. ;)
Yes, I do basic adjustments like wb, perspective before merging.
Do you also tweak contrast, clarity, saturation, etc.?

not that I can remember doing it, but that doesn't mean I haven't. That stuff can be done in HDR efex pro and then to the combined version before exporting to a jpeg. (I guess that it all could be done after to the combined photo but for some reason, this is what I've done.)
I tend to do my raw adjustments before converting them to a PSD or Tiff.
For some reason, I find myself using HDR Efex just to merge and do very little tweaking in it. I go back to Lightroom and adjust everything in there.
I often use many images (15+) depending if there is movement in the scene or not. I move the sliders around once the images have been stacked.
I've never merged shots. But, wouldn't it be easier to merge first than adjust one picture: crop, perspective, sharpness, etc?
Depends on the pictures. I might do a bit of correcting for blown out areas in the most exposed shot but that is just playing with levels in a selected area so the image structure is intact. I could not do any correcting for something like a face as that would cause issues
I typically leave the RAW files alone until after they have been merged.

I'm still new to HDR.

Anyhow, I merge my files first then do my adjustments on a single photo afterwards. I'll leave the file in RAW format if shot that way until it's completely done.

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