Dusk and the harbour


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Jul 30, 2010
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Yesterday evening, as I was coming from from getting wet all day (kayaking), I noticed the almost new moon rising above the horizon. And since it seems that every night of the past three months had either overcast or clouds or something obscuring the horizon, it seemed like a good thing to find a vantage point to catch the moon. Scooted over to the lake - boring. Into the village - nothing special. Back to the shore - still nothing special. Then I remembered a local marina... and the view from one of the banks was pretty good. The idea was to expose for the foreground, without burning out the moon, and since it was dusk, try and give the feeling of dusk in the image. So - did it work?

$Dusk in the harbour_4473.webp

45mm, f6.3, 1/20 ISO 100, 2ND gradient filter on the sky (and no, the blue band was not there from the filter, but was due to the Earth's shadow creeping up...). And I promise to have only a short hissy-fit if you say anything mean.
Works for me. The only thing I might do is crop on the left to eliminate that open water and the larger space between the masts.
I like the hues on the horizon. These are the moonshots I like, with other elements added to the photograph. They can also be the toughest to expose for.
Works for me. The only thing I might do is crop on the left to eliminate that open water and the larger space between the masts.

Well, decided to try your suggestion and see what would happen. Here's version 2, with the left cropped a bit, and a curve adjustment to try to bring out more of the moon.

$Dusk in the harbour_4473 V2.webp
Gorgeous shot. I like your original version best as it feels more balanced to me. The cropped version feels too confined.
I prefer the original aspect ratio over that of the cropped version. The cropped one feels a bit too stodgy and squareish to me.
Thank you, Ken, Ron, Fanboy, Carol, Derrel and Sharon - sometimes you need to see the image with fresh eyes to see if there was another way of looking at it. I had taken a series of shots of this scene, but only one with the version where the moon was on the right, and I took it at the end. Somehow, the balance and placement worked better for me then the other shots I took, and truth be told, the colours changed from shot to shot even though there was probably only a minute or two between each shot. It definitely was a case of "seize the moment". Thank you all for looking and commenting.

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