Eagle Portrait

John Hunt

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
Very nice! But... as with children, you really should have wiped his face first.

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Was going to post "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" but when I thought it thru I feared that phrase might be offensive to your subject.

So, let's just stick with: Winner!
Great pose
Thank you

Now that's up close and personal!
This cropped quite a bit but yes he had landed in a tree about 60 feet from me. Thank you.

Very nice!
Thank you

Nice shot!
Thank you

Very nice! But... as with children, you really should have wiped his face first.
Thank you, dirty mouths add to the charm.

Thank you

Was going to post "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" but when I thought it thru I feared that phrase might be offensive to your subject.

So, let's just stick with: Winner!
Thank you, I think a chicken dinner might be one of his favorite meals. If you have ever seen a chicken farm with freshly spread chicken guts in a field you would understand.
Very majestic shot. Well done.

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