(Early Birthday Gift To Self)


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Aug 2, 2015
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The Rolleiflex 3.5F ~Whiteface~

(Brand New Old Stock, I Even Have The Outer Box Which Matches The Camera's Serial Number - The Only Thing Non-matching Is The The Serial Number On The Warranty Card).

Rolleiflex 3.5F (Whiteface).webp

The are a few spots on the taking lens, I was so excited when I took it out of the box, I forgot to use the Rocket Blower... lol


That looks gorgeous. Will it need a CLA or any other prep work before shooting?

Congrats on this beauty! :icon_cheers:
That looks gorgeous. Will it need a CLA or any other prep work before shooting?

Congrats on this beauty! :icon_cheers:

@terri Thanks you very much! I have had it since last Saturday but the fellow that I got it from strongly told me to make sure I get a UV filter to protect the lens before taking it out. Naturally I went on EBay and the best one I saw was from Germany, I bought it, but the earliest it will arrive is July 5 and it can take until the 13th. In the meantime I met a fellow on one of the FB forums (Rolleiflex) from Massachusetts and not only was his prices fair, he guaranteed I could have it by Saturday and I think you know the end of the story...

All, I need to do now is put film through the camera and start shooting...as far as I know the camera is brand new never used...there isn't a mark on the camera. The gentleman I purchased it from owns a camera store but sadly he is winding down and getting ready to retire. All my vintage cameras but one has come from his shop, I going to miss him once he gone...again thank you!

Happy Fourth of July!


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