Elk for fun

Tony S

Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 23, 2011
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Eatonville, Washington
Can others edit my Photos
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Been so busy going back and forth to the hospital with my wife lately (she's been admitted for 28 days over three different times since April 1) that I've not gotten out for some pictures. Forced myself to stop for a few quick snaps of the bachelor herd of bull elk out in a field on my way home a few days ago. They were almost 1/2 mile away with the 400mm, and still pretty good crop from the frame to get these.

Just some long distance snaps so I can keep the shutter blades from rusting shut. Too many east ends of a west facing critter, lol.


All in velvet - nice. I think I might have cropped the last one, if possible, to show just the three males and I would place them across the lower third of the image, or make it a square crop (yes - not a bad thing) and place the three across the lower third as well. My 0.02¢ FWIW.
Nice shots. Those are pretty good quality given how far away you were aiming, what lens is it?

Best wishes to your wife (and to you too!)
tyhanks guys, those were pretty severe crops of the original image. Any more and I think the quality will drop off much more.

BlackSheep, I was using the Canon 400mm 2.8 IS. I didn't take time to dig for the 1.4 TC since the elk were moving across the field and I wanted at least a couple of snaps of them. It's just fun to find a nice bachelor herd like this out in the open.
Its nice to finally see some lek pictures on here. In the third picture the bull on the left is going to be huge!
David, hopefully I can get out soon to see the rest of the ones that I will never see during hunting season...

From a few years ago...
He is a monster too. I want to get a bigger lens just to take scouting with me. I have a 55-250 but i think i want the 100-400 and a teleconverter. It would be fun to get some pictures of all the bears I see. Usually 30-40 a year.
Not the best pictures but it was pretty cool to see this spike trying to shed his antlers.

Taht last bull I posted was taken with a 70-200 up close. Snapped the shot and he spun and left the area in a hurry, second shot was a nice butt shot. Amazing how something that big can move that fast.
Needs to be elk season because they tast good

you fail before sucsess

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