Ely Cathedral Octagon Roof


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2007
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Not great in terms of sharpness (camera shake from using a longer shutter speed), but I think the colours have come out well. Unfortunately still haven't purchased a tripod but once I do, will certainly go back and give it another go.


Opinions/criticism/advice welcome as always :)
Wow, you did a pretty good job keeping it steady (you can see the paintings inside the dome part fairly well). And I agree, the colours came out well.
Sheesh, if you were not so far from me I would give you my $40 plastic model, as a temp anyway.

-Shea :mrgreen:
Well done - I look out each morning to check it is still there! It is quite something to look down from the Octagon to see the folk below looking up and it is surprising how large the central Angel is when you are on the roof. Typically - being so near I haven't had the photo session in "My" Cathedral that I have with others - taking views from my garden mainly. Thanks - you have reminded me that I should have some sessions doing the interior.
If you do a search on ELY Cathedral you will see how close I am.
nice colours indeed!

for straight upwards shots in cathedrals, you might consider just placing the camera on the ground and using the self timer.

composition is a bit of a pain then, but with a couple of try you will get some nice long exposures.

just make sure no one kicks your camera ;)
Would you be allowed to bring the tripod into Ely Cathedral and take long exposures with it? From what (little) I know, you are not allowed to do so in American cathedrals (and the only one I've ever been to was Washington Cathedral). And I have never even tried to bring a tripod into any of our German cathedrals or even only just churches. Which is why there is a clear "I-don't-really-know-and-that's-why-I'm-asking" situation for me here.

For what you had and how you worked in order to get this one, I feel the outcome is good. Like Anty is saying: the little paintings can still be recognised for what they are. The windows are not quite as clear as you would possibly wanted to have them but ... this photo sure suggests once more I travel to that area once to have a look myself. I want to get Fangman's look towards the Cathedral from his own garden (Fangman: be warned ;)), and I really want to see the inside myself, now, too!!!
Would you be allowed to bring the tripod into Ely Cathedral and take long exposures with it? From what (little) I know, you are not allowed to do so in American cathedrals (and the only one I've ever been to was Washington Cathedral). And I have never even tried to bring a tripod into any of our German cathedrals or even only just churches.

It has been a while I have done it, but I never ever had any problems with any kind of photographic equipment (except flashes) in churches in Germany or the UK. But maybe times have changed.

You can always say you need the tripod because flash is not allowed ;)
Thanks for the feedback. :) I'll certainly be going back at some point tripod in hand.

@ LaFoto - I'm assuming you are allowed to take tripods in the cathedral as I saw at a couple of others using them and they didn't get 'told off'. I think the only time it would cause an issue is if there is some kind of valuable mosaic floor that they would be worried might get damaged.

I did take a couple of photos outside as well, but the sky was very bland and grey with poor light, nothing worth posting imo.

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