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Entry-level DSLR help


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Nov 16, 2015
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Hi, this is my first post here. Seems like a pretty awesome forum so far!

I'm looking into buying a new entry-level DSLR, and I've narrowed it down to:
Pentax K-50 with 18-55 and 50-200 (personal favorite)
Canon T5i with 18-55 and 75-300 and camera bag

I've put my hands on both and I far prefer the K-50. It feels of much better build quality in pretty much every way, plus the button placement is similar to that of my brother's D3300. I'm mostly decided on the K-50, but I do like the deal on the Canon.

I've visited or talked to staff at my local camera stores, and have gotten several different opinions on the subject: (some are a bit exaggerated)
"The K-50 is pretty cool, but you should get the Olympus OMD-EM5 instead."
"Pentax is worthless. Get Canon or Nikon and we'll let you live."
"Pentax is cool, but my main concern is lens and accessory availability."
"If the K-50 is what you like, then that's what you should get."

Before I buy, I just want to make sure that I'm not overlooking any other models I should be considering. My target budget is under $500.

Please let me know your thoughts!

Pentax make great cameras, and have a glut of old lenses as well as newer ones, inbuilt stabilization, and most of there cameras are weather sealed, what's not to like.
I have no idea about the Pentax, but the D3300 that you mention and even the older discontinued D3200
already performs better then the Canon T5i in low light (high iso image noise) and even better then the
more expensive T6i, T6s, 70D and 7D mark II (very expensive).

Basically, get what your brother has, it's the best entry level aps-c sensor camera on the market right now.
This is coming from a Canon shooter, BTW.

Don't expect to see much difference (or any being new to this) between any of them though with the low end
lenses you mention since they all basically suck and gather very little light, which again would push me to the
Nikon since you'll be riding the ISO3200 daily.
For the most part Nikon and Pentax use similar sensor tech. You already said it feels good in your hand which is important.

I'd be tempted to buy a Nikon in your case simply because (if ye get on) you and your brother can swap lenses/accessories
The lens thing I figured too obvious to even mention, but yeah, even if it wasn't the best
choice, that puts it up there again. This is especially important if you never intend to buy
new/better lenses (I know a lot of people who just buy the new body as soon as it comes
out and keep using the kit lens.. horrible) - the D3300 will, again, handle the small aperture
of those lenses better then everything else, even the pro canon 7d which costs like what..
3 of those Nikons?
Pentax and Nikon pretty much have the best sensor technology that can be obtained at the current time. Pentax cameras have always been designed for "shooters". Canons are designed like consumer electronics products. Nikons are designed to be cameras. Pentax cameras always greatly impress the camera reviewers, but they do not sell a lot of units. The two giants, Canon and Nikon, dominate the ILC markets.

I dunno...Pentax has a pretty good lens lineup made for APS-C d-slrc, and has the nicest kit lens of anybody. Just realize that you might be buying into a system. I would read the dPreview review carefully and see how the Pentax stacks up. I used to sell photo goods when I was a kid...I would not be surprised if Oly rewards sales associates with a $12.50 spiff for every higher-end ILC body sold at retail.
Thanks for the replies everyone! I've considered a Nikon already, because of the aforementioned lens-sharing capabilities, as well as the fact that I really like the D3300. But I really would rather get something else so that we don't have the same camera. Also, the K-50 uses the K-mount, so basically any old Pentax K lens will work on it. I don't really see myself buying any new lenses for awhile, as I'm sure the two included kit lenses will work fine for my purposes for the time being.
One more thing to consider and I raise this point to people who get to photography and might not consider this.
Pentax currently only makes APS-C cameras while Nikon also makes full frame cameras.
While this might be your first DSLR be sure you dont think you will ever want to go full frame, if you do get the Nikon because if not you will have to sell your entire Pentax system to move to a full frame system.
No help here but I cracked up at "Get Canon or Nikon and we'll let you live.":D

Welcome to TPF.
Hi, this is my first post here. Seems like a pretty awesome forum so far!

I'm looking into buying a new entry-level DSLR, and I've narrowed it down to:
Pentax K-50 with 18-55 and 50-200 (personal favorite)
Canon T5i with 18-55 and 75-300 and camera bag

I've put my hands on both and I far prefer the K-50. It feels of much better build quality in pretty much every way, plus the button placement is similar to that of my brother's D3300. I'm mostly decided on the K-50, but I do like the deal on the Canon.

I've visited or talked to staff at my local camera stores, and have gotten several different opinions on the subject: (some are a bit exaggerated)
"The K-50 is pretty cool, but you should get the Olympus OMD-EM5 instead."
"Pentax is worthless. Get Canon or Nikon and we'll let you live."
"Pentax is cool, but my main concern is lens and accessory availability."
"If the K-50 is what you like, then that's what you should get."

Before I buy, I just want to make sure that I'm not overlooking any other models I should be considering. My target budget is under $500.

Please let me know your thoughts!


The Canon T5i is nice but also consider a refurbished model like the T6i or 70D refurbished units from Canon, Adorama, etc. offer the same one year warranty but at a lesser price. whatever you do don't get the 75-300 lens, the 55-250 STM is much better and cost less
One more thing to consider and I raise this point to people who get to photography and might not consider this.
Pentax currently only makes APS-C cameras while Nikon also makes full frame cameras.
While this might be your first DSLR be sure you dont think you will ever want to go full frame, if you do get the Nikon because if not you will have to sell your entire Pentax system to move to a full frame system.

Well, same goes for the entry level kits here since all of this glass is APS-C only.
Hi, this is my first post here. Seems like a pretty awesome forum so far!

I'm looking into buying a new entry-level DSLR, and I've narrowed it down to:
Pentax K-50 with 18-55 and 50-200 (personal favorite)
Canon T5i with 18-55 and 75-300 and camera bag

I've put my hands on both and I far prefer the K-50. It feels of much better build quality in pretty much every way, plus the button placement is similar to that of my brother's D3300. I'm mostly decided on the K-50, but I do like the deal on the Canon.

I've visited or talked to staff at my local camera stores, and have gotten several different opinions on the subject: (some are a bit exaggerated)
"The K-50 is pretty cool, but you should get the Olympus OMD-EM5 instead."
"Pentax is worthless. Get Canon or Nikon and we'll let you live."
"Pentax is cool, but my main concern is lens and accessory availability."
"If the K-50 is what you like, then that's what you should get."

Before I buy, I just want to make sure that I'm not overlooking any other models I should be considering. My target budget is under $500.

Please let me know your thoughts!


The Canon T5i is nice but also consider a refurbished model like the T6i or 70D refurbished units from Canon, Adorama, etc. offer the same one year warranty but at a lesser price. whatever you do don't get the 75-300 lens, the 55-250 STM is much better and cost less

I'm going to agree with this (a lot), especially the 55-250 recommendation. I have the older non-STM version but it also
has IS and it's a great lens. The 75-300 would be unusable for anything but full-on daylight.
One more thing to consider and I raise this point to people who get to photography and might not consider this.
Pentax currently only makes APS-C cameras while Nikon also makes full frame cameras.
While this might be your first DSLR be sure you dont think you will ever want to go full frame, if you do get the Nikon because if not you will have to sell your entire Pentax system to move to a full frame system.

Well, same goes for the entry level kits here since all of this glass is APS-C only.
As an example when you buy a Nikon D3300 or D5500 mostly people will get them with a kit lens 18-55mm DX or 18-140mm DX but additional lenses you can get full frame FX like 50mm prime and 70-300mm which are very good and very affordable and you can carry them over to full frame camera so buying APS-C with some or all full frame lenses is good strategy for people who plan to upgrade to full frame in the future.
Thats what I did.
Fx doesn't probably come into the equation for the majority of people. If it ever did there is a Pentax fx on the way also
There is a big problem with getting a Nikon that nobody has mentioned..... If you get a Nikon your brother will always be taking your lenses, flashes, and everything else!!!:aiwebs_016:


I've only had one camera, a T3i I really like it. I've had it for almost two years now, and not a single problem! :)

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