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entry level dslr


TPF Noob!
Aug 23, 2010
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You looking for a small point and shoot or DSLR camera with large interchangeable lenses?
Any entry level SLR would be a good fit may it be Nikon or Canon, asking which one is better would be asking who is going to win the world series or stanley cup/ lombardy trophie this year. There is no answer, both Canon and Nikon have their ups and downs (won't get into it right now) since i'm a Nikon man I will give you some suggestions.

For a beginner, a used D40/D40x or D60 would be great to begin with, even the D3000 or D5000 also (they're a little bit more expensive). I've seen D60's going for $350.00 with a starter kit lens, spend the other $150.00 on some filters a used flash or a 50mm 1.8 for only $130.00. You have unlimited options I suggest any of those four and you'll be busy for a good amount of time. I have had my D40x (which I bought used for $300.00) since november of last year (might have been october) so almost a year. I have had the temptation to upgrade but nothing yet. Don't upgrade from your first DSLR untill you've mastered it.

Hope this helps and good luck!
.....So can someone please make me a list of cameras that would fit me??....

thank you.
It is not realistic to expect others to make you a list. You would learn so much more, doing it yourself.

All entry-level cameras are good for general picture taking.

Any brand name gear in your price range would work fine. Your price range, $500, is at the low end of new dSLR entry-level cameras with an 18-55mm kit lens.
Do you want video capabilities? Or only stills?

For $500, you aren't going to get too much functionality in terms of a dslr body.
If you are willing to go used, that will certainly open up some more options. There are some reputable retailers of used cameras, as well as an abundance in the for sale forum here.
Do you want video capabilities? Or only stills?

For $500, you aren't going to get too much functionality in terms of a dslr body.

I couldn't disagree more, respectfully of course... :mrgreen:

I'll be the nice guy and make you a list:

Being biased...but in the interest of full disclosure, I'm switching from Pentax to Nikon in the next few weeks.

The Pentax K-x, Body+18-55mm lens kit
Pentax Pentax K-x Digital SLR with 18-55mm Zoom Lens 16302 - B&H

Pentax K-x, Body+18-55mm + 55-300mm lens kit (Best value, the 55-300 is far better than the 50-200 lens, even by kit lens standards)
Pentax K-x Digital SLR with 18-55mm and 55-300mm Zoom 15802 -

Note the Pentax does come in different colors, Blue/White/Red/Black etc.

Nikon D3000 (About as "beginner" as it gets)
Nikon D3000 SLR Digital Camera with 18-55mm VR Lens 25462 - B&H

Nikon D5000
Nikon D5000 Digital SLR Camera Kit with 18-55mm VR Lens 25454 -

Canon T1i (aka 500D)
Canon EOS Rebel T1i (500D) Digital SLR Kit w/EF-S 3818B002 - B&H

Canon T2i (aka 550D)
Canon EOS Rebel T2i Digital SLR Kit w/ EF-S/18-55 IS 4462B003 -

Sony A500
Sony DSLR-A500 12.3 MP Digital SLR Camera With DSLRA500L - B&H

I don't know enough about Olympus to make a suggestion, but the above are all of the "entry level" DSLR's with interchangeable lenses.

Obviously you're going to have to do your own homework on which would better suit you, some have in-body Image Stabilization, some have IS in the lens, some have more megapixels, some have better hi-ISO performance (low light). It's up to you to decide what you want and go from there.

The only advice I'll give, is to realize that you're not just buying a "Camera"...you're buying INTO an entire system (lenses, flashes, etc.) and more often than not, the lenses are more important when choosing a brand than the camera body is. Choose wisely, because switching systems (as I'm in the process of doing) is quite expensive.

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