

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 22, 2004
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Newcastle, Australia
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Don't you just love it when someone gives you a new 'toy' to play with? The toy that I've been given (Well, i'm actually babysitting it but that's a long story) is a car, and a very nice car at that! :D

It's a Ford Focus, yeah yeah I can hear the Europeans slagging it off already! :lol: But this one has been slightly modified in the body/panel, wheel and suspension department...





Personally I love it. Handles like a go-cart, uses next to no fuel and sometimes draws a small crowd down at the shops. ;) :mrgreen:
It also makes for a good photographic subject to practice on aswell. :)
I'm too Poor to afford light filters so can't say I used any, however I did apply a colour layer to the 4th shot using Photoshop. :)
ewwww it's a focus (here sits a european) You can't turn around in the UK without running into one of those :) great pics tho dude!
True they are everywhere, but they are one nippy little motor! That's why we use them as our rapid response cars at work. And why I want one. You can thrash them to death and they still don't complain!

Nice shots, by the way!
But the steering wheel is on the wrong side! :confused:
Tolar sw of fort worth

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I'm trying to trade in my GTI for one of these. I love the style of my Euro-mobile, but the mechanics and electrical engineering are an absolute nightmare. The SEL hatchback is the closest I can find in terms of style (that Ford makes. More than once has a Ford vehicle saved my life).

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