Everyone wondering about Portrait Professional


TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
Olive Hill, Ky
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Doz, I believe said that he used this program and then a bunch of topics started popping up about it. None that I have seen were using an ideal subject for an example. My mom wanted me to make her a photo for facebook so I figured it was a good opportunity to show what it does with a subject you would want to use it on. My mom would probably destroy me if she knew I was doing this.



I took it a little further than I normally would just to show the effect, but there it is for anyone who was wondering about it. It's a pretty neat program, but it's not totally necessary. The only real reason that I use it at all is because I'm lazy and I hate the process of skin smoothing in PS. This does it fairly accurately and it is a FAST process.
That's neat blake, thanks. I imagine if you were doing a bunch of edits it would make the process a lot quicker, no?
It would, but you'd still be doing one photo at a time. I'd say 90% of the process is setting up the parameters around the face and different areas of the face. Then you go into sliders that do the reshaping and smoothing.
Yea. Download the free trial and see what you think. Their examples are waaaayyyy overdone. Mine is too, but not like that. I never use it like I did here. I don't like skin smoothing. The most I usually do is remove blemishes and stuff in LR, but for the few times I do want skin smoothing I use that (to a much lesser extent than above) because it's quick and easier than doing it in PS.
Can you fix the mascara on her left eyelashes? I think overall it looks nice, but the eye makeup keeps throwing me off.
I prefer the first photo. It looks more human/natural vice animated.

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