Eye of Mother Nature

Diana G

TPF Noob!
Mar 29, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
The true eye of Mother Nature.

I'm not really looking for critique. I just wanted to share the coolness of this photo :)

$IMG_5382 copy.webp
Its nice :) It actually looks like an entire face :lol: if you look at it the right way and think about it. Its like peering down through the clouds!

The OP has indicated that her images are NOT okay to edit. Please respect that.

Edited photo deleted.
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My apologies Diana! I honestly didn't realize the rule was taken THAT seriously. I wasn't really editing the photo, I was only trying to highlight a point I was making! In future I will refrain from doing so; I just didn't think it was that big of a deal!
Well its incredible....Eye of mother nature captured by you actually seems so....i must say that you have a great insight and vision...i am a nature lover,i appreciate this creative and beautiful nature picture.I really loved it.Its very well said that a photograph conveys what a thousand words cannot.
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My apologies Diana! I honestly didn't realize the rule was taken THAT seriously. I wasn't really editing the photo, I was only trying to highlight a point I was making! In future I will refrain from doing so; I just didn't think it was that big of a deal!

its okay! :)

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