Few Recent pictures of my daughter.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 15, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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I decided I need to share more, in order to learn more. I personally feel my photography has improved vastly since joining this forum. Mainly just from lurking around. In order to take full advantage, I am going to start posting more pictures.

The first two pictures are just snapshots taken while out and about with the camera. The third was taken with a softbox as a background when I got my strobes. I can't remember if I shared #3 already, so sorry if its a repost. I welcome all C&C. Harsh or otherwise.

1. F/5, ISO 200, 1/125 Sigma 70-200 2.8 @ 78mm

2. F/4, Iso 200, 1/200 50mm1.8

Well, I think the first two are quite wonderful with the comments that the brightness is too high. They lose some impact, imo, I think that by bringing down the brightness the beauty of the girl and the surroundings is much more apparent.

The second, I 'fixed' the tilt which seemed to have no artistic benefit, used 'levels to darken it a bit.


The first, I darkened everything, then darkened the dress a bit more so it didn't attract my eye away from the wonderful facial expression.
I think both of them are wonderful keepers.

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Yes, I have a tendancy of jacking up the brightness too high. It might partly be due to viewing and editing on my laptop. I do like the subtle changes you made. As for the tilt, I really wasn't sure about correcting it. I should have just tried it to see if I liked it better, which I do. The landscape of that picture is actually a slow downhill.

On a side note, I really should have cleaned up her face with PSE in #1. It's filthy. I guess thats what active kids do, they get dirty.
Yes, I have a tendancy of jacking up the brightness too high. It might partly be due to viewing and editing on my laptop. I do like the subtle changes you made. As for the tilt, I really wasn't sure about correcting it. I should have just tried it to see if I liked it better, which I do. The landscape of that picture is actually a slow downhill.

On a side note, I really should have cleaned up her face with PSE in #1. It's filthy. I guess thats what active kids do, they get dirty.


those pictures are lovely, #1 especially, dirt or not.
I love Lew's edits.

On that first shot, and the dirty face issue: Leave it.
If these were for a client, sure, clean her up a bit, make it look more polished.

But this is your daughter, dirty face and all. In the blink of eye, this dirty-faced little girl will be a grown young woman, and you will treasure this pictures that showed her as she really was.

My boys are 19 and 21 now--I have a good number of "portraits" of them, which I love. I have even more photos that are not professional "portraits" but were taken with them "at their best"--Easter outfits and the like. I love those too. But my VERY favorite pictures of them are the ones that show a little boy with mustard all over his face from the hot dog he just ate, or dirt all over his hands because he was digging a hole. No professional portrait ever captured the "essence" of who my kids were like those photos do!
But this is your daughter, dirty face and all. In the blink of eye, this dirty-faced little girl will be a grown young woman, and you will treasure this pictures that showed her as she really was.

Very True, I didn't look at it that way.

Paige, I knew there was some good light there. I wanted to get some more pictures of her there, but she was on a mission. That trail led to the beach, and it is one of her favorite spots at camp.
Not dirty, it is child's pranks and catch them as they are is bettr than to miss...2nd edited version is nice....third so cutie...God bless her.

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