First C & C shot - Walking the Wall


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Feb 14, 2013
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Stratford Upon Avon
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Hi, I have been scanning through a lot of shots taken recently and there are only a few that I think are worth any merit (even then slim) as most are just memory shots for my family.

However, I did quite like the follow shot which I felt tells a little bit of a story....

The wall, the capture and the girl looks great. Nice photo.
I love this, great shot
It really is a nice shot, like the fact there are 3 people in the shot
Thanks all for the comments. I am still in my infancy but the more I take the more I enjoy it.
Nice, I like the color and shot.

Sometimes we can take hundreds of shots with nothing special. That is how it is with me anyway.
Thanks! I wanted to get across the feel of the area with the colour scheme etc so I hope i have managed that.

Thanks again for the comments. Nice to know its not too bad a shot!

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