First Post, First Picture...thoughts?

This picture just won 1st place at the Norfolk County Fair.

I went with the less saturated version. Original cropping.
I can hear him, and his two chickens, screaming for a monochrome conversion...

That's nice, bus rider. Imo, a much better crop! Nicely balanced, you've left a nice amount of space around the subject. Great, his face is in a powerful spot, as is the bucket.
This picture just won 1st place at the Norfolk County Fair.

I went with the less saturated version. Original cropping.

As you can see, I still preferred the original cropping and chose to use it for my final copy as a submission. This is the only place where the cropped version has been preferred. I still like the big doors better :D I did however use a less saturated version.

I do however enjoy the monochrome version. It's a nice alternative to the colour version. I think it takes away from where the photo was taken though. Without colour this photo could have been taken anywhere really.
Great. Grrats.

For what it's worth.. I wasn't saying I didn't like it or that it wasn't a good picture... Just another option.

I often see other options in other peoples pictures... I seem to have difficulty seeing them in my own at times.
cool pic. quality could be better. listen to what darrel said. But you have a good eye. keep it up.
Great. Grrats.

For what it's worth.. I wasn't saying I didn't like it or that it wasn't a good picture... Just another option.

I often see other options in other peoples pictures... I seem to have difficulty seeing them in my own at times.

It's ok I didn't think you didn't like it LOL Just that it's been suggested many times to crop it but I still like it uncropped. LOL It's all good

As for the quality...I don't know if I'm using the wrong uploading site...but my pictures ALWAYS suffer when it comes to clarity when I upload them.
The printed version and version on the computer is clear as day...You can see the scars on his hands...everything. Any suggestions? I use photobucket.

I really do appreciate all the feedback on all of my posts. I try and take pictures outdoors and with people in their natural environments. I'm just starting to do "studio" shots and would love it if everyone could look at the "Danielle" post and tell me what you think...

Thanks everyone!

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