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TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2012
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At the risk of being Amolitorized....;) You know, I just liked the differing organic shapes juxtaposed against the rigidity of the geometry in the pier structure. One snap after this, I just barely escaped the tidal flow, hence the title.

I love how there's no hard horizon and the ocean just disappears into the mist. I live in San Diego and for all that I love about the sunny weather here, some of my favorite days are the ones with the thickest marine layer when everything feels surreal.
I like the water action. Wish you were a bit further to camera right so you had the piles repeating.
I like the water action. Wish you were a bit further to camera right so you had the piles repeating.

I tried that yesterday with a 14-24 but got a little gun shy with the water lapping up that close - moreso because it was a borrowed lens. I've been shooting this pier a lot, lately. There is one more view in the landscapes section with a better angle on the pilings.

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