flash question


TPF Noob!
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Lewis Run
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I got a camera at a yard sale. It came with a Vivitar auto thyristor 2800d flash. I never used a flash. How do I know if it works? Can I test it somehow?
yes the light doesn't come on either. oh well, 15 bucks for the camera and 3 lenses is still a good deal
First The flash might have a test button. If it has good batteries push the test button. It should fire.

Turn the unit on and hold by your ear. You should hear it winding up.

If it fires with test button and winds up then that is a good sign.

The camera may not fire the flash. Try any other camera.

If the test button, winding up and camera all fire the flash. Then check for results on the photo. They often have auto modes that shut the flash off when enough light has been outputted.

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