Flea Market Find

CW Jones

TPF Noob!
Feb 26, 2009
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I was at a semi local flea market today and I was looking for some older film cameras, like an AE-1 or something. I found a few but they were either didnt work, or had a ridiculous price tag on them. I came across this little guy and couldn't resist! It was marked at $10 but the guy said he didnt want to bring anything back with him so $5! I got a Polaroid 250 Land Camera with a portrait lens kit as well. at the time I didn't care if it worked... but I got it home and played around with it... EVERYTHING works like its brand new!



Just quick snapshots I took of it to show you all :thumbup:
I love that camera. You sure everything works? When that old battery dies the shutter still makes a satisfying kachunk sound without actually firing. Pop the back open and look through the lens while you test fire it before you waste a $12 film pack. BTW, Fuji 3000BW rocks.
Would be awesome to use with a digital backing :D
costs a bit though haah
Looks like my first camera... I was an amazed 10 year old when I took my first pictures and got to see them only moments later. It's a nice find, I hope you have fun with it.

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