For Lease


TPF Noob!
Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
North Carolina
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
1/250, F9.0, 18mm. CC welcomed and appreciated.

Wow, tough crowd.
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I like the building and the B/W, but not sure about that sky in the upper right ...
Dodged some in the sky. Is this more along the lines of what you would expect with this shot? I honestly didnt notice the distraction until it was pointed out. Now that this has been Manipulated, I can appreciate the difference.

As far as the color shot, I wasnt as much of a fan of it. I'll post it next.

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Very cool :thumbup:

How does it look in colors?
A scene well suited to the use of the HDR technique, exposure blended rather than tone mapped, and lastly visited in the image editor of your choice for final processing.

If it weren't for the blocked shadows in the background and at the left in the foliage........

On the original image, there is a lot of dark areas in the front that are too dark and subsequently lack detail, I'd estimate around half the image is underexposed. As a result the B&W image looks strained.

I'd leave the sky alone personally, it's not a major section of the photograph so it doesn't need to have that much going on in it, and with the clouds that are there already I'm guessing it will look fine in B&W. Certainly the cloning has made it look very artificial.

ohhhh.... looks like a house of ghosts)
but I agree sth seems to be wrong with the sky....
The photo seems to be taken from a fantasy book)
I appreciate all of the feedback. There was no cloning whatsoever for the record. Everything was done with dodging and burning as well as lighting and contrast controls.

As far as the sky, is everyone of the opinion that the last posted B/W picture still has a distracting sky?
very ethereal

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