For the ladies of the forum....

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Swiss Army Friend
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Jun 21, 2004
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A co-worker of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer at age 33. Please, please, please do your self breast exams, even if you think you are too young. Perhaps your husband/boyfriend/significant other can help to make it a bit more fun :wink:

Seriously, breast cancer is so much more treatable when cought early.
Sorry to hear about your co-worker Alison.....
I wish her courage and strength :hug:
And thanks for sharing this reminder ... I've heard of quite a few young women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Its easy to become complacent about health issues when you're young.
My dad recently had a similiar thing happen to him re. testicles... he was in pain for a few days ( and I think he said there was swelling ) before being admitted to hospital.
I was worried it was cancer.
He said it started after he drank some water from the dam on his property in Queensland. His mate drank some at the same time too and had health probs as well ....:scratch:
Cant see how that could be related to what happened to him but maybe it was an infection of some kind ... parasite in the water maybe ? I dunno...
Definately agree with Sharkman , guys have to check for prostate and testicular cancer signs too , its a major health issue for men.
I can't second this thread enough. My mom was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer when I was a senior in High School and it was without a doubt the roughest period of my life. there was a period of about 7 weeks when we didn't know if she would make it to the next day. Thankfully she has recovered fully and is now enjoying life to the fullest. Please, Please take this to heart!


my mom started getting cysts when she was my age so i check all the time. the thing is i still don't feel like i know what i'm looking for cause breast tissue just isn't all nice and smooth under there to begin with. anyway, she never did get cancer but she had so many scares and had to have so many biopsies and such that she finally just opted to have both breasts removed.

since i don't feel confident enough to do the exams on my own i actually have my mom do em for me... which some people seem to find strange. but... she's a nurse AND she has personal experience with it (plus... i came out of her body for cryin out loud :p) so i'd much rather be safe than sorry! ;-)
Not to muck up this serious topic...but I'm sure you wouldn't have any trouble finding someone to administer those breast exams.
While we're on the subject, if you have a family history of colon cancer, get checked! My cousin did and was diagnosed positive. It was early enough for succesful treatment. Have I had my colonoscopy yet, heck no! But yes, it's on my list.
BTW, not to nag but... in my line of work I deal with cancer a lot. QUIT SMOKING!!!!! When you deal with cancer on a regular basis and see the devistation it causes you realize it's not just a speach on tv.
Walt said:
While we're on the subject, if you have a family history of colon cancer, get checked! My cousin did and was diagnosed positive. It was early enough for succesful treatment. Have I had my colonoscopy yet, heck no! But yes, it's on my list.
BTW, not to nag but... in my line of work I deal with cancer a lot. QUIT SMOKING!!!!! When you deal with cancer on a regular basis and see the devistation it causes you realize it's not just a speach on tv.

I wish my kid sister could get that reality check. I wonder if theres something I can do to help her realize this. She's not the type of person to elarn from other people's mistaks. She pulls the, "Let me make my own mistakes!" I don't consider smoking a mistake. If you don't know that it will cause problems in your body, you may as well just stop taking care of ourself in general. Everyone knows it can cause cancer and other problems. I just don't get why people start! I know there's peer pressure, but most of the time, you can get out of it and not keep doing it. Once is enough to know if you like it or not, and you don't have to smoke for years to learn it can kill you.
I heartily agree. I have a very good friend who is in the last stages of cancer. He neglected the signs for way too long and now has a matter of weeks left. The worst part is he has a new baby boy only 6 weeks old.
Shark said:
For the guys, make sure you're doing the same dealie to the satchel. Buddy of mine found a lump and didn't get it checked...ended up with a nad the size of a softball. That's no fun.

Yup, anything that feels weird in that general area get it checked. I felt something weird, made a doctor appointment and with in a month it was the size of a lemon. I lucked out and have been cancer free for 3 years.

So make sure you get stuff check out or your stuff will check out.
photong said:
I don't consider smoking a mistake. If you don't know that it will cause problems in your body, you may as well just stop taking care of ourself in general. Everyone knows it can cause cancer and other problems. I just don't get why people start! I know there's peer pressure, but most of the time, you can get out of it and not keep doing it. Once is enough to know if you like it or not, and you don't have to smoke for years to learn it can kill you.

Can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that smoking is the sole cause of all evil???.........Did it ever occur to anyone with an ounce of brains that most health issues are genetic???......If most of you knew what goes into the foods you will turn your stomach.

I am inclined to think there are many other things in life that are far worse then you expect me to believe that city living is healthy with all the gridlock that occurs??? Think for yourself..not what some left wing radicals want you to think
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