frank lake alberta birds.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Apr 16, 2016
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Petawawa Ontario
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Wilsons phalarope
1Wilson's Phalarope by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Yellow headed blackbird
2Yellow-Headed Blackbird (Lifer!!) by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Marbled godwit
3Marbled Godwitt! by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
western grebe
4Western grebe2 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
5Western grebe by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
eared grebe
6Eared Grebe (Lifer!!) by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Black necked stilt
7Black-Necked stilt (Lifer!!) by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
white faced ibis
8White-Faced Ibis (Lifer!!) by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
ruddy duck
8Ruddy duck2 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Nice set. Lots that I have not seen, including that yellow-headed blackbird. I believe the ruddy duck is my favorite of your pics though.
Logan, you sure have added quite a few to your collection. Nice batch. I'd not even heard of a yellow headed black bird, very cool.
Great set, nice variety.
Very nice images. Frank Lake always seems to have a lot going for it, unless it is frozen over, of course.


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