Some from burlington


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Apr 16, 2016
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Petawawa Ontario
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White winged scoters lifer
1White winged scoter (Lifer!!!!)4 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
2White winged scoter (Lifer!!!!)3 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
3White winged scoter (Lifer!!!!)2 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
4White winged scoter (Lifer!!!!) by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Ruddy duck lifer
5Ruddy duck (Lifer!!!!!!!!!) by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Carolina wren lifer
6Carolina wren (Lifer!!!!!) by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
7Carolina wren (Lifer!!!!!)2 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Long tailed duck
8Long tailed duck by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
9Long tailed duck2 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
10Long tailed duck3 by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Male wood duck
11Male wood duck by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Red breasted merganser
12Red breasted merganser by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Red head duck
13Red head duck by Logan Baldwin, on Flickr
Nice photos! I was wondering if you'd given up photography. Seems it has been a long time since you shared with us. Those little wrens are beautiful, aren't they?
Nice photos! I was wondering if you'd given up photography. Seems it has been a long time since you shared with us. Those little wrens are beautiful, aren't they?
Thank you we just have not been out much recently we will be posting more now as we had our first snowy owls of the season today and yes the wrens are Beautiful

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