Freedom of speach and the WWW


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 30, 2005
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S.E. Indiana
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It seems we have a mis-understanding by a minority of members about what exactly the term "Freedom of speech" entails. It has always been my understanding that our (in US) freedom to speak our minds without retribution pertained only to the freedom from our government restricting those rights. An official from any government agency can't restrict what you say. BUT, and here is the big BUT, in the private world, your ability to speak you mind in any fashion you wish can be restricted in whatever way your boss, private property owner or forum moderator wishes. This forum has had a long standing rule about refraining from political or religious discussion. (that would be an example of a restriction of speech) I in fact was called out in one of my first posts by Chase, the list owner. The lesson pretty much stuck. So, if you don't like the speech restrictions and you get a PM from a mod or have your thread locked, the webs a big place. You can always start your own forum about anything. Even egging on or insulting other forum members.
You gotta love those people that when you start saying things like that they start calling you a dictator. There is nothing wrong with being a dictator on your own private property.
You gotta love those people that when you start saying things like that they start calling you a dictator. There is nothing wrong with being a dictator on your own private property.

Well, I was specifically referring to some posts/threads of late on the forum. Won't draw attention to them by name but lets just say the fox was loose in the hen house. Then the fox was all indignant about being called on it.
I'm just remembering some threads here when I first started here it was an interesting night with that troll... She came back under like 4-5 different nicks each one getting banned.
Yes, the mods do a great job. (no not pandering) But the number of members, and quantity of threads and posts, it's really a big job. They do well considering it's a thankless job.
Consider yourselves on the watch list..... ;)

Thanks for your cooperation in keeping TPF family friendly. We accept members as young as 13, in case you didn't know. And "off topic" only applies to a certain point.

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